Halloween 2007: Yellow Robot

Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2007
Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2007
Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2007
Ken Tanabe Halloween Costume 2007

This costume was inspired by the bright yellow Pumas I hadn’t been wearing enough (designed by Mihara Yasuhiro). I had also been eyeing dryer hoses as a costume material for a few years. Their flexibility allowed me to use part of the hoses to create large “horns.” I also attached the lower pair of “arms” to the upper pair with an invisible wire, so that all four arms would move convincingly.

Bought: Dryer hoses (2 x $9.99), pipe insulation ($2.48), hanging wire ($2.29), yellow spray paint ($3.27), foamcore boards ($12.49). Already owned: black pants and turtleneck, duct tape, wire coat hangers, Puma Mihara Yasuhiro sneakers.